Add Utility Form

Step 1 of 6 - Introduction

  • NXT Level - Add Utility Territory

    Companies must complete this form to request listings in up to five (5) additional utility service territories. The company must currently hold the NXT Level designation in order to be eligible to use this form. NXT Level may contact two customer references and/or the utility to verify project history.

    • Project(s) listed below must have been completed 1) by the designated NXT Level Company submitting this form and 2) within the last three (3) years.
    • If you have questions, contact for assistance.
  • You must check two Customer Reference boxes, indicating the program has your permission to contact this customer as a reference.
  • If you are a subcontractor or supplier and didn’t interact directly with the utility incentive programs, please contact the general/lead on each project for this information.