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International Association of Lighting Management Companies (NALMCO)
NALMCO offers its members resources to make their business stronger. We are committed to helping you become the best in your profession. That’s why NALMCO was the first organization in the lighting industry to create nationally recognized professional lighting management certifications. The certifications identify you as a leader within the industry and prove to customers that you’re the most qualified to do the job.
Education is critical, the speed of technological development in the lighting industry necessitates rapid response by our organization to provide our members with the means to obtain this knowledge. We seek to provide information and training to our industry practitioners expeditiously and in a concise, unbiased manner.
Quality lighting is the cornerstone of the lighting management profession. NALMCO is committed to promoting quality lighting through the education of members and the business community on the benefits of quality lighting as managed by a professional lighting management company.
We are the spokesperson for the industry at meetings of regulatory bodies, other associations, and business gatherings where an opportunity exists to further the position of lighting management. Networking is the lifeblood of this organization is the ability of its members to draw upon their collective knowledge. We provide a forum to facilitate the open and free exchange of ideas and knowledge and business opportunities among all of our members. We fundamentally believe that a professional and well-educated competitor is the best competition.
As an organization we strive to enhance the professionalism of our members through the development of standards and guidelines. We make available to our members information, training materials, seminars, and conferences designed to foster the highest level of professionalism.