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Trade Ally Network NW
Trade Ally Network NW unifies lighting and HVAC trade ally networks to increase energy efficiency in commercial buildings. The network is a centralized resource that offers expertise to help you recommend the right energy efficiency technology and deliver cost and energy savings to your customers. Our goal is to create more opportunities for you to cross-promote lighting and HVAC projects by making easy connections between you, your local utility and the Network program team. We’re here to help you improve your technical and sales skills, deliver better customer service, and win more projects to build your business. By working in tandem, trade allies and utilities are an important part of achieving long-term energy savings and adding to the economic vitality of our region.
Trade Ally Network NW is your gateway to commercial project information, training and industry experts. Members benefit from:
– Regular communication about industry topics, trends and best practices.
– Contractor and utility training through a combination of on-site, in-person training and new, up-to-date online courses available 24/7 to suit your schedule.
– Regional field specialists available to assist you with every aspect of energy efficiency projects, beginning with audits through project scoping and final verifications.
– Resource materials including product and technology guides, case studies, design strategies, energy efficiency practices, customer applications, utility incentive programs and sales techniques.
– Networking opportunities with utility program managers, field specialists, manufacturer reps and peers.
Trade Ally Network NW is sponsored by Bonneville Power Administration and its Northwest utilities.