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Early Findings From In-Depth Exterior Lighting Retrofit Study

The Department of Energy, Illuminating Engineering Society and International Association of Lighting Designers have teamed up to undertake one of the first in-depth studies of retrofitting exterior lighting best practices in parking garages and parking lots. While full results are expected in 2021, the study has already produced some intriguing initial findings.

Although LED benefits, such as uniformity and energy savings, are well-known, there has been very little information published to inform and direct industry professionals in exterior lighting LED upgrades. The Department of Energy, Illuminating Engineering Society and International Association of Lighting Designers decided to change this by partnering to undertake one of the first in-depth studies of retrofitting exterior lighting best practices in parking garages and parking lots.

While research will continue through 2020 to review color temperatures preference, visibility, controls and uniformity, the study has already produced several intriguing findings, including:

  • Participants visual comfort and perception of safety peaked at light levels of 0.2 foot-candles, which is much lower than the typical industry standard of 0.5 to 2.0.
  • Parking lot lighting influences pedestrians more than drivers, as every driver has headlights while pedestrians rely solely on exterior lighting.

The full results of this study are expected in 2021. Look for more updates and key findings in future NXT Level newsletters as they become available. You can also visit to stay up-to-date on current and upcoming lighting and control studies.