Trade Ally Spotlight

Scott Brown, Columbia Electric Supply

Scott Brown, team lead, Columbia Electric Supply’s Energy Solutions Group, Columbia Division, travels the region helping to create informed lighting specialists and energy champions to help customers understand the value of upgrading to new energy efficient technologies, and to help utilities promote programs. He’s been in the industry for 12 years, and knows the region and the energy efficient lighting landscape well.

“My goal at each of our locations is to generate more lighting projects,” said Brown. “Utilities have goals to reach and we’re here to help them do it.”

Brown and several of his CES colleagues have also earned the NXT Level designation. “This is a way of differentiating us from our competition,” noted Brown. “It says we have the expertise to handle complex lighting projects, and we have a track record of saving energy for utilities and end-users. It gives the market confidence that we know what we’re doing.”

His plan is to have everybody on his team earn their designation. Brown says the process took an investment of time but it was well-worth the effort. Overall, he found the experience both a welcome refresher and very educational.

“We want to be serious in this profession and be recognized by utilities as a top player,” said Brown. “NXT Level shows we’re committed and in it for the long haul.”