Trade Ally Spotlight

Nathan Klebaum, Stusser Electric Supply

In Photo: Steve DiBenedetto (left), Nathan Klebaum (right)

Nathan Klebaum, Project Quotations Manager at Stusser Electric Supply in Yakima, Wash., earned his NXT Level designation at the end of 2017. A journeyman electrician, Klebaum has two decades of experience working on residential, industrial and commercial projects.

After encouragement from their local utility, Stusser Electric Supply’s manager, Steve DiBenedetto, suggested that Klebaum earn the designation to help their company bolster their growing lighting business. They both agree that the effort was well worth it. “The lighting industry is changing so fast that every day brings something new to learn,” said DiBenedetto. “We rely on programs like NXT Level, as well our vendor and utility training programs, to keep us up-to-date on the latest information and technologies.”

By earning his designation, Klebaum helped Stusser Electric Supply join their utility’s Premium Vendor category, making their company the only Premium Vendor in Yakima.

“We’ve always had a good reputation with our customers,” said DiBenedetto. “But NXT Level gives us extra credibility that could make the difference in landing future jobs, and it’s very helpful that businesses can easily find us when they’re looking for energy audits and efficient lighting solutions.”